Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is also known as the Western or classic style of
massage. It is a scientific system of manipulations on the muscles and
connective tissues of the body for the purpose of relaxation, rehabilitation
or health maintenance. Swedish massage therapy is comprised of five basic
strokes and their variations: effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement (or
percussion) and vibration. The many benefits of Swedish massage may
include generalized relaxation, dissolution of scar tissue
adhesions, and improved circulation, which may speed healing and
reduce swelling from injury.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is also called deep muscle therapy or deep
tissue therapy. It is a term used to describe various massage
styles that focus on the deeper muscles and connective tissues of
the body. The therapist uses movement and pressure to reshape and
realign the muscles and connective tissue, breaking old, habitual
holding patterns. Rolfing, Trager, Hellerwork and Feldenkrais are
all forms of deep tissue massage.

Myofascial Release
Myo means muscle and fascia is the elastic connective tissue wrapped
around muscles and other parts of the body. During myofascial
release, restrictions (stuck areas) are located and gentle sliding
pressure is applied in the direction of the restriction to stretch
the tissues. The stretching of tissues and the heat imparted by the
practitioner’s hands are thought to help produce a softer
consistency of fascial tissues. 

Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage is the massage of pregnant women (prenatal) and
women after giving birth (postpartum). It address the special needs
of pregnant women such as discomforts in the low back, feet, and
legs. This form of massage usually consists mainly of Swedish
Massage techniques that are modified slightly to take into account
the common aches and pains of pregnancy. Positioning of the client
is also modified as the pregnancy progresses and the abdomen

Reflexology is a form of bodywork based on the theory of zone
therapy, in which specific spots of the body are pressed to
stimulate corresponding areas in other parts of the body. Foot
reflexology is the most common form of reflexology. 

Sports Massage
Sports Massage is the application of various massage techniques to
enhance athletic performance. Sports massage is applied to athletes
to help them train and perform free of pain and injuries. Massage
therapists blend classic Swedish strokes with such methods as
compression, pressure-point therapy, cross-fiber friction, joint
mobilization, hydrotherapy, and cryotherapy (ice massage) to meet
the special needs of high-level performers and fitness enthusiasts.
Sports Massage can reduce the risk of injury for an athlete, as well
as accelerate the body’s natural restorative processes should injury

Trigger Point

Trigger point massage utilizes ischemic compression of individual
areas of hypersensitivity in muscles, ligaments, tendons, and
fascia. These trigger points are defined by their referral of pain
to distant locations in muscles, connective tissues, and organs.

Shiatsu (Japanese for “finger pressure”) is a system for healing and
health maintenance that has evolved over thousands of years. Shiatsu
derives both from the ancient healing art of acupuncture and from
the traditional form of Japanese massage, amma. The goal of each of
the different types of Shiatsu being practiced, Zen shiatsu, tsubo
point therapy, shiatsu massage, and water shiatsu, is balancing
energy flow.